Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Best Way to Study for a Test

What is the best way to study for a test?
By Matthew Gilbertson
Fourth grade Berea, Kentucky 1996
I think the best way to get ready for a test is to get some of the books on that subject and studied those books really hard. After that you should get good nights sleep in the morning study little bit more. If you're nervous about the test just relax and think about what you've studied.

Look at page 223. Go through the check list. How many points did Matthew cover. List 4 of the methods you got a ++ in. Post on comments


  1. The best way to study is to have peace and quite. Also, turn your phone off, keep your social life out of your study time.

  2. The best way is to take about four days before the test and study about two hours each day then if there is a chapter review in the book then I will do them most of the answers are in the back of the book so I can look to see if I am getting the right answer or not.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The best way to study for a test is to make note cards.Make sure that you go over and over them until you can remember all the information.

  5. 3. find out exactly what is on the test.
    6. begin serious reviewing several days before test.
    7. maximize your memory.
    8.get everything ready the night before.

  6. 2.(+)I identify the days and times of all my exams for the whole term in my planner.
    3.(+)Find out exactly what the test will cover.
    15.(+)Don't let open-book or take-home tests lull you into a false sense of security.
    16.(+)Dont mess with success.

  7. 3. Get your study materials ready.
    6. Study frequently.
    8. Be ready, relaxed, and well rested.

  8. What is the best way to study for a test? Go to a quite place where you are not bothered by any distractions. Just peace and quite.

  9. (+) Arrive at the classroom early, but not too early.

    (+) Remind yourself of your long-term goals.

    (+) Manage your energy so that you're ready to focus and work quickly.

    (+) Begin serious reviewing several days before the test.


  10. Matthew had 16 points covered.

    *Find out exactly what the test will cover
    *Make a study schedule.
    *Eating plenty of meals and get plenty of sleep.
    *making outlines and notes, review often to memorizing.

  11. 1. (+) Begin to prepare early dont wait til the last minute
    2. (+) Identify the days and times
    7. (+) Maximize your memory
    16.(+) Dont Mess with sucess

  12. 1.Identify your days and timese in your planner or PDA.
    2.Find out exactly what the test will cover
    3.Get everything ready the night before.
    4.Don't give in to a noproductive, negative attitude.

  13. Matthew covered four out of the sixteen. Four of the methods that i got pluses in are getting everything ready the night before so I do not rush that morning. I also do not give in to nonproductive, negative attitude either I stay positive in evrything that I do. I also begin reviewing several days before the test that way I do not overload my brain. I do not pop pills to stay awake either. IF I have to stay up just to study then I need to rearrange time in my day for some studing.

  14. 1.indentify the days and times of your exam in your planner or PDA.

    2.study with other students

    3.arrive at the classroom early but not too early.
    4.Find out what the test will cover.

  15. 3.Find out exactly what the test will cover.
    4.Understand that specific types of preparation are required for specific types of tests.
    7.Maximize your memory
    8. Get everything ready the night before.
    11. Study with other students.
    Get enough sleep the night before the test.
    Be prepare, and don't be late for your test.

  16. -Be prepare for the exam on day when you get to class.
    -Find out and ask what exactly what is on the test and what it covers.
    -Make a study schedule.
    -Get everything the night before.
    -One thing that they didn't have in the book that i do to study is that I say it over and over or write it over and over again.

  17. Matthew had four of the sixteen. The four methods that I got plus in are: I identify the days and times of all your exams for the whole term in your planner I write everything in my planner,I try and make a study schedule with all my classes, I always get everything ready the night before no matter what is consists of, I always manage my energy so that I am ready to focus and work quickly.

  18. + dont take pills to stay awake
    + dont mess with my success
    +remind my of my goals
    +get everything together the night before
    your son said 2

  19. 1. dont let open book tests give yourself a false sense of security.
    2. make a study schedule
    3. study for a hour and break and do it again
    4.find people to study with.
    5.begin preparing for exams on the first day of class.

  20. **Kayla said the best way to study is to have peace and quiet. That means turning off your phone. I have a bad habit of socializing while studying.
    **Misty said the best way is to take about four days before the test and study about two hours each day. i have a tendency to put things off till the last minute.
    **I need to make a better and more organized study schedule.
    **Emotions are contagious. When i hear that others in my class are nervous or stressed about an exam it makes me nervous.

  21. - I will find out what the test will cover.
    - I will make a study schedule
    - I will put the days and times of my exams in my planner.
    - I can go over and over it in my mind before test day.
    - I can maximize my memory better than I do.

  22. *The best way to study for a test is to make note cards.Make sure that you go over and over them until you can remember all the information.
    crystal said...
    Matthew had four of the sixteen. The four methods that I got plus in are: I identify the days and times of all your exams for the whole term in your planner I write everything in my planner,I try and make a study schedule with all my classes, I always get everything ready the night before no matter what is consists of, I always manage my energy so that I am ready to focus and work quickly.

  23. Misty- said to study 4 days before test
    Lori- said to make not cards
    Paul- said to get everything ready the night before.
    Jonathan- said be ready, relaxed, and well rested
    Kayla- said don't give into a nonproductive, negative attitude.

    I agre with all of these because you need all of these to accomplish things in life or school.

  24. Sarah-said make sure that you are by yourself.
    Ann -go to a private area
    Danille -review material -go over worksheets
    Keith-ask the teacher what is going to be on the test.
    Alice-do outlines.

  25. Matthew covered; Getting a good nights rest, maximize you memory by resting and cover the material.

  26. I scored a 29 on my test taking anxiety. I am very laid back so this was expected.

  27. I made a 38 on the Anxiety test which means I have some signs of anxiety and may need help in managing my stress level.

  28. i scored a 22, i have already developed a copyin skill.

  29. 1.jot down stuff so i wont forget. 2. change my answers. 3. dont give peer presure. 4. save time an dont review

  30. (1)prepare for the test for on the first day.But study real hard a couple of days before the test.
    (2) find out whats on my test, what it will cover.(3)read your chapter and take notes.(4)On the test jot down little notes what you think you may forget.(5) I usually look over the test and fill in what I know first.
